Russian Media Trolls

Russians Infiltrating Social Media

Russian trolls are using social media to influence opinions in the US. The US government has said the Russians created fake facebook accounts and groups supporting Donald Trump. This could have influenced the 2016 presidential election.

How are you a possible target?

If you have used anytype of social media it is likely you have been seen some type of Russian influence without even realizing it. A certain image, video, or game that you have seen or played in the past could seem like harmful entertainment but could actually be influencing your views or opinion on something. An example of this is an anti-Hillary game creaated by the Russians to influence users opinions on hillary when it just seemed like a video game.

How to protect yourself from being influenced?

The easiest way to keep yourself from being influenced is to keep in mind what you are being shown on social media and who is showing it to you. If you see some information that you don't think looks right, look it up or see where the source came from. Don't easily believe everything you see online unless its from a reputable source.